5 ML OF LIQUID IN MY LUNGS is a pseudo-sarcastic visual history of a both physically and emotionally painful health experience. 

No matter how strong you are, sometimes shit that you can’t control comes around. And no matter how much you fight it, occasionally things just have to pass until they end. 

Your body giving up on you can be an amazing trigger to slow down and allow things to be the way they are. Simply because there’s no other option. 

This multimedia experience is an attempt to portray the strange chaotic path of coming to grips with your physical temple kind of shattering to pieces. It is a cry – of exhaustion, fear, unknownness, confusion, pain, anger, helplessness, frustration. 

Like any decent tragicomedy though, it is also a laugh – laugh at the absurdity of owning 10 sq meters worth of doctors’ receipts, the absolute incapacity of the Portuguese healthcare system to do their job, the contrast between not being able to breathe but always being able to smoke. 

5 ML OF LIQUID IN MY LUNGS is a collection of memorabilia acting as reminders of the highs and lows we experience when something isn’t quite right in life, portrayed in a pop-artsy synthetic set of pieces. By combining different technologies and techniques, the artist aims to paint a colorful and comprehensive, albeit confusing image of the pain and irony that come hand in hand with being sick as a young hyperactive adult.

Vernissage THU –  7 pm

Events of the week


Wednesday 31 May 2023 - Monday 5 June 2023


Prisma Estúdio
Rua da Palma 268, Lisboa 1200-660



Canadian-born, Bulgarian-raised, a data nerd and music snob, Dia has heavily been playing around with different forms of self-expression. Be it through a dirty electro disco DJ set, or an AI-generated set of lung images, Dia will paint a carefully crafted picture of her momentary inner world to the audience.

Other Organizers


De Paris a Lisboa, da discoteca ao italo, dos brilhos às batidas desagradáveis, aqui vai o modjo de Kemetic. Activista nocturno há cerca de 10 anos, Kemetic está agora em Lisboa a espalhar diversão, glitters e música disco eufórica. Talvez já o tenham visto a tocar no Micro Music Club, Purex ou Lulu, dizer que ele é como um tornado de boas vibrações é um eufemismo.

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