Rorig Mirtos is a self taught artist whose background formation is Humanities. He is mostly inspired by what is generally known as “dark art”. Following the themes of the genre, in 2018 he started experimenting with acrylics. However, it was only after being confronted with his mental illness, in January 2021, that he found the medium he his more comfortable with – steel wire. Paintings were replaced by sculptures but the same gloomy themes of the human condition remained: anhedonia, insignificance, fear, fragility, pain, solitude and death. The damnation of his illness was at the same time a need to create beautiful things. As more and more sculptures came about, he started to see art as path to salvation, from depression to the light, from his inner world to artworld where others could also appreciate his creations. Representing the duality of Damnation / Salvation is precisely what this debut show aims at.
• • • Events of the week • • •
THU (26) / 20 – 23 / Exhibition & Fado Tertúliada
SAT (28) / 19 – 21 / Exhibition & Live Painting by Elena Sanmiguel Urbina
SUN (29) / 18 – 23 / Exhibition & CACHUPA POÉTICA
MON (30) / 18 – 20 / Exhibition
TUE (31) / 18 – 19 / What did We see?
• • • ARTIST • • •
Rorig Mirtos is morbid.
photos by @ricardoalvesphoto
poster by Catarina Aguiar