Saturday 26 November 6 – 11pm
Sunday 27 November 5 – 11pm
Entrance 5€ – 1 day ticket | 8€ – 2 day ticket

Join us for the Portuguese rap culture on this SHARP RECORDS weekend, we are going to set the house on fire! On the 26th and 27 of November at PrismaLx. Be square or be dead!
- Ben Davis (@originalbendavis)
- Ícaro SDR (@icaro_sdr)
- NameZ (@namez105)
- IZHA (@izha_vibe)
- DaVinci (@thanextvincimd)
- Versus EOG (@versus.44)
- Joana D’Art (@joana_d.art_official)
- Flinrock (@flinrock101)
- Youtopic (@andre_filipe_lopes)
- Fred (@obturalab)
- Sidarta96 (@sidarta_ninety_six)
- RudeBwoy (@rudbwy)