Sara Pinheiro | Lorena Izquierdo + Abdul Moimême + Carlos Santos

Saturday 24 September 7pm – 5€

Nariz Entupido and Prisma join together for a collab event. On this first collaborative event, which we hope will become lasting, we intend to reveal some of the work of the most exciting musicians in the scene of improvised and experimental music.

As such, it became inevitable to invite Sara Pinheiro (sound artist), to the proposal presented by Abdul Moimême, who will play in a trio together with Lorena Izquierdo (performer) and Carlos Santos, musician widely known and recognized by his breaking work in the electronic and experimental fields.


Sara Pinheiro

Sonoplasist in the areas of cinema and video art, acousmatic composition and live performance for multichannel since 2010.

She graduated in Sound for Cinema at ESTC and in Sonology at the Institute of Sonology of the Music Conservatory in The Hague.

She currently resides in Prague where she works as a sound designer and cultural agent while developing his PhD project “Acousmatic Foley” at Bangor University School of Music.

lorena Izquierdo

Vocalist, performer and poet from Valencia, Spain. She has spent the last 8 years building her independent artistic career between Spain and Germany.

In her pieces she explores different concepts through body, voice, poetic language, sound, space and time. Her approach is defined by the entanglement of artistic mediums and the unusual relationship she builds with everyday objects. Together, they constitute an interrelated art that she calls action poetry.

Izquierdo performs with numerous formations, solo, in pairs or as part of collectives. She uses various artistic codes to cultivate the field of Intermedia, acting in the border zone of different forms of artistic expression. It works as a space of dissidence and transposition of limits.

As far as voice work is concerned, she is interested in the peculiar, the genuine, what emerges from collective improvisation, intuition and the search for limits, the impossible and also composition and reflection. The musical performance is immersed in paradoxes: it uses exaggeration and interacts with formal limits, but also employs the concepts of containment and invisibility. The search for sound is based on a sculptural, plastic and gestural point of view that is defined both by vocal materiality and by the unique and unrepeatable experience of performance. |

Abdul Moimême

Portuguese musician, active member of the Lisbon free improvisation community. Although his main instrument is the electric guitar, he is a multi-instrumentalist, whose recorded repertoire also includes the tenor saxophone, the clarinet and the transverse flute.

At present, solo or in small ensembles, he plays two electric guitars simultaneously, without resorting to electronics, other than amplifying the guitars’ signal. His two instruments were designed and built by him.

In 2008 he starts a series of solo projects: Nekhephthu (2008), Mekhaanu/ La Forêt des Mécanismes Sauvage (2011), Exosphere (2017), having obtained a good national and international critical reception, especially with the last of these three records.

In January 2021, the critic Karl Ackermann (All About Jazz) distinguished this record, along with 10 other records, among the universe of contemporary jazz, as a reference of “solo works for non-traditionalists: | |

Carlos Santos

Sound artist and electronic musician, develops his work around the architectural space and acoustic phenomena using digital sound technology, using artistic research methodologies.

He presents himself publicly in different formats, such as the electroacoustic concert, Acúsmatica diffusion, site-specific installation, soundscape composition or sound performance.

He uses a laptop computer with software designed by him in the graphic programming language max/msp, for sound generation and electronic manipulation, analog synthesisers, small resonant objects, piezoelectric elements, microphones or speakers.